Slip and Fall Injuries

Learn how our expert attorneys can secure your rightful compensation

A slip and fall accident occurs when an individual loses their footing due to a slippery surface, uneven flooring, debris, or other hazards, leading to a fall. These accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, including fractures, sprains, bruises, head injuries, and spinal cord injuries. In addition to physical harm, slip and fall accidents can also cause emotional distress, financial burdens, and a reduced quality of life for the victims.

The significance of slip and fall accidents lies in their potential to cause severe injuries and disrupt the lives of those involved. Victims may face medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages as a result of their injuries. Holding negligent property owners or managers accountable for their failure to maintain safe premises is essential to obtaining compensation and preventing future accidents.

Slip and fall accidents are prevalent throughout Michigan, affecting individuals of all ages and walks of life. These accidents occur in various settings, including:

- Retail stores

- Restaurants and bars

- Office buildings

- Apartment complexes

- Parking lots and sidewalks

- Hospitals and nursing homes

According to data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the state. The slippery conditions caused by Michigan's harsh winters contribute to the high incidence of slip and fall accidents, especially during icy and snowy conditions.

Understanding Liability in Slip and Fall Cases

Duty of Care Owed by Property Owners/Managers

Property owners and managers have a legal obligation, known as the duty of care, to maintain safe premises and prevent foreseeable harm to visitors. This duty extends to both invitees (such as customers or guests) and licensees (such as social guests or delivery personnel) who are lawfully present on the property. Property owners/managers must regularly inspect their premises, address any hazards promptly, and provide warnings about potential dangers that cannot be immediately remedied.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Identifying the specific cause of the slip and fall accident is essential for determining liability and holding the responsible party accountable. Slip and fall accidents can occur due to various hazardous conditions on the property, including:

   - Wet or slippery floors from spills, leaks, or mopping

   - Uneven or cracked sidewalks or flooring

   - Loose rugs or mats

   - Poor lighting

   - Debris or obstacles in walkways

   - Lack of handrails on stairs

Elderly woman fell on staris

Establishing Negligence in Slip and Fall Cases

Establishing negligence requires gathering evidence, such as witness statements, surveillance footage, maintenance records, and medical records, to demonstrate that the property owner/manager's actions or inactions led to the plaintiff's injuries. To establish negligence in a slip and fall case, the injured party (plaintiff) must demonstrate the following elements:

   1. Duty of Care: The property owner/manager owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.

   2. Breach of Duty: The property owner/manager breached their duty of care by failing to maintain safe premises or warn of hazards.

   3. Causation: The hazardous condition directly caused the plaintiff's injuries.

   4. Damages: The plaintiff suffered damages (such as physical injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering) as a result of the slip and fall accident.

Legal Considerations for Slip and Fall Claims in Michigan

Statute of Limitations+ for Filing a Claim

In Michigan, there is a limited time frame, known as the statute of limitations+, within which a slip and fall claim must be filed. The statute of limitations+ for personal injury claims, including slip and fall accidents, is generally three years from the date of the injury. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation. It's crucial to consult with an attorney promptly after a slip and fall accident to ensure compliance with the statute of limitations+.

Comparative Negligence Rules

Michigan follows a modified comparative negligence rule in personal injury cases, including slip and fall claims. Under this rule, the plaintiff's recovery may be reduced if they are found to be partially at fault for the accident. However, the plaintiff can still recover damages as long as their percentage of fault does not exceed 50%. If the plaintiff is deemed 50% or more at fault, they will be barred from recovering any damages. It's important to gather evidence to support your claim and mitigate any allegations of comparative negligence.

Potential Damages Recoverable in Slip and Fall Cases

- Medical expenses: This includes costs related to emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, surgery, medication, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care.

- Lost wages: If the slip and fall accident results in the inability to work, victims may recover compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.

- Pain and suffering: Damages may be awarded for physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life experienced as a result of the injuries.

- Property damage: If personal property, such as clothing or electronic devices, is damaged in the accident, victims may seek compensation for repair or replacement costs.

- Punitive damages: In cases involving egregious misconduct or recklessness, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the at-fault party and deter similar conduct in the future.

Services Offered by Koussan Law

Initial Consultation

We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your slip and fall case and evaluate your legal options. During this consultation, we will listen to your story, assess the circumstances of your accident, and provide you with honest and compassionate guidance on how to proceed. We understand that every case is unique, and we will take the time to understand your concerns and answer any questions you may have.

Investigation and Evidence Gathering

Our team will conduct a thorough investigation into your slip and fall accident to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf. This may include obtaining incident reports, interviewing witnesses, collecting surveillance footage, inspecting the accident scene, and consulting with experts, such as engineers or medical professionals. We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to uncover the truth and hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence.

Negotiation with Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging, especially when you're recovering from injuries. Our attorneys will handle all communications with insurance adjusters on your behalf, advocating for your rights and pursuing fair compensation for your injuries and damages. We will negotiate aggressively to achieve a settlement that fully compensates you for your losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Litigation and Court Representation

While we strive to resolve slip and fall cases through negotiation and settlement, we are prepared to take your case to court if necessary. Our skilled litigators have extensive experience representing clients in court proceedings and will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and interests. We will prepare and file all necessary legal documents, adhere to court deadlines, and advocate zealously on your behalf in front of a judge and jury.

Contact Koussan Law

If you've been injured in a slip and fall accident and need legal assistance, schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Your initial consultation costs nothing, and it's an essential first step in understanding your rights and determining the best course of action for your situation. Don't delay—take action now to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve.

Don't wait any longer to seek the legal representation you deserve. Contact Koussan Law today to schedule your FREE consultation and take the first step towards seeking justice and fair compensation for your slip and fall injuries. We are here to fight for your rights and provide you with the experienced and compassionate legal guidance you need during this challenging time.

+Please Read the Disclaimer Page regarding Statute of Limitations

What is Premises Liability?

Premises liability is a legal concept used to determine whether property owners are responsible when people are injured on their premises. A slip-and-fall due to dangerous conditions on the property is one example. If you’re injured in a slip-and-fall, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to maximize your chances of receiving compensation for your injuries.

Attorneys can investigate the circumstances and gather necessary evidence to verify whether the property owner’s negligence caused the injuries to prove your case.

Michigan premises liability injuries may include, but are not limited to:

  • Slipping and falling
  • Snow and ice
  • Animal bites
  • Poor property maintenance
  • Unsafe or dangerous conditions
  • Building code violations
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Amusement Park accidents
A person slipping on wet steps

Slip + Fall Injuries

Michigan Slip and Falls are one of the most common premises liability concerns. Injuries related to slips and falls can be serious and sometimes fatal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that every 1 out of 5 falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.

The legal team at Koussan Law understands the pain and suffering that an incident like this can introduce into your daily life. Physical injuries and medical bills can increase stress, which only adds to the challenge of seeking fair compensation for injuries caused by someone else. It can be overwhelming to navigate your way through the premises liability claims process, and that is why Koussan Law is here to help. Our expert attorneys have the experience to make the legal process simple and painless for you.

Our attorneys will investigate the case to understand all legal claims and arguments. Proof of the existing dangerous conditions at the time of the incident is valuable for a good defense. This evidence could be in the form of your shoes at the time of your slip and fall, photos, videos, witness statements, and/or incident reports. When we take on your case, our personal injury attorneys will work hard to build a strong case to get the compensation you deserve.

Michigan law allows 3 years from the incident (in most cases) to file a premises liability claim, and if the accident occurs in a public place, such as on a sidewalk, notice must be given to the relevant government agency within 120 days. It is crucial to get the right legal advice from an attorney who understands Michigan state law as soon as possible after an injury has occurred, and Koussan Law is eager to help you.

How Much Time Do You Have to File a Michigan Slip & Fall Case?

Generally, the Michigan statute of limitations+ (the time that you are allowed to file a lawsuit) is 3 years from the date that the personal injury occurred.

It’s always best to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after your slip-and-fall accident. Necessary evidence may be quickly removed after the incident, so the sooner you contact a lawyer, the more likely evidence for your case may be preserved. In addition, it may take time for the unsafe condition of the property to be clarified, and for your case to be firmly established. Your attorney will need to not only gather evidence but also speak to witnesses, file all necessary paperwork, and assess the extent of your injuries.

We know how devastating it can be to try and recover from a serious injury, especially when combined with the financial burdens associated with healing. It is important to know your rights and avenues of recourse when accidents occur due to another’s negligence. Our compassionate attorneys are here to listen, support, and help you through this challenging time.

+Please Read the Disclaimer Page regarding Statute of Limitations

Fighting for you + your rights

What kind of compensation can I recover in a slip and fall case?


In a slip and fall case, you may be eligible to recover various types of compensation for the damages you suffered due to the accident. This compensation can include medical expenses for the treatment of your injuries, including hospital bills, surgeries, medication, physical therapy, and ongoing medical care. Additionally, you may seek compensation for lost wages if your injuries prevent you from working, as well as for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. The specific amount of compensation you may receive depends on factors such as the severity of your injuries, the extent of your financial losses, and the impact of the accident on your life. An experienced slip and fall attorney can help you understand your rights and pursue the maximum compensation available for your case.

What should I do immediately after a slip and fall accident?


After a slip and fall accident, your health and safety should be your top priority. Seek medical attention for your injuries, even if they seem minor at first. Additionally, document the scene by taking photographs of the hazardous condition that caused your fall, as well as any visible injuries you sustained. Report the accident to the property owner or manager and obtain a copy of the incident report if possible. Finally, consult with a slip and fall attorney, such as Koussan Law, to discuss your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation.

How do I know if I have a valid slip and fall case?


Valid slip and fall cases typically involve injuries sustained on someone else's property due to hazardous conditions that the property owner failed to address. If you slipped, tripped, or fell because of a dangerous condition like wet floors, uneven surfaces, inadequate lighting, or lack of warning signs, you may have a valid claim. However, the specific circumstances of each case vary, so it's best to consult with an experienced slip and fall attorney to evaluate the strength of your case.